Scottish Housing Regulator: Regulatory Guidance Consultation

Craigforth has been appointed by the Scottish Housing Regulator to analyse responses to the SHR's consultation on an suite of updated Regulatory Guidance documents.  The consultatiuon sought views on eight separate but inter-connected documents covering a range of regulatory policy areas.  The analysis report and other study outputs will be used by the Scottish Housing Regulator to finalise the guidance documents prior to publication.

North Ayrshire Council: Research into Changing Demand for Larger Properties

Craigforth were appointed by North Ayrshire Council to undertake an assessment of trends in demand for larger social rented properties across North Ayrshire, in the context of ongoing changes to the housing policy context (most notably introduction of the Bedroom Tax) and the potential for these to impact on the profile of social housing demand.  In addition to detailed analysis of recent trends in soc ial housing supply and demand in North Ayrshire, the study involved engagement with housing service staff and applicants to identify key drivers of recent trends, and scenario modelling to inform the Council's forward planning to ensure larger stock remains sustainable.

Renfrewshire Council: Review of Sheltered, Very Sheltered and Extra Care Housing Services in Renfrewshire

Craigforth recently completed two parallel studies to provide a detailed assessment of current sheltered, very sheltered and extra care housing provision in Renfrewshire.  Working with a broad range of partner agencies delivering services, the primary aim for the studies was to provide an assessment of sheltered, very sheltered and extra care housing services against current and likely future needs, taking into account service user access and experience, and including detailed financial appraisal.

East Lothian Council: Housing & Support Needs of Particular Needs Groups in East Lothian

Craigforth was commissioned by East Lothian Council to undertake an assessment of housing and housing support needs across eight particular needs groups in East Lothian.  The study provided a comprehensive assessment of the scale and nature of particular housing and housing support needs, informing the Local Housing Strategy update, and identifying gaps and potential future pressures on services.  Our approach involved a detailed desk-based review, engagement with stakeholders including service providers and current or prospective service users, and modelling of current and likely future need (including scenario planning).  An options appraisal was undertaken to develop a set of policy and service recommendations.

Scottish Housing Regulator: National Panel of Tenants and Service Users

Craigforth has recently completed the second year of engagement with the Scottish Housing Regulator's National Panel of Tenants and Service Users, having established the Panel in 2013.  The multi-strand engagement programme included a full Panel survey and in-depth qualitative research with 90+ Panel members and around 50 Gypsies/Travellers living on social rented sites.  This work considered a wide range of themes including rents and affordability, value for money, prioritiesw for landlords' service delivery and understanding of the Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR).  Results are feeding into SHR's other work strands, including the current Thematic Inquiry Programme.

The report is available at the Scottish Housing Regulator's website.

Highland Council: Accommodation Needs of Gypsy/Travellers in Highland

Craigforth has been appointed by Highland Council to undertake research to improve understanding of the accommodation needs of Gypsies/Travellers in the Highland area.  The study built on earlier work including a desk-based needs assessment undertaken by the Council in 2010, and consultation with Council site tenants undertaken by Craigforth in 2012.  Outputs will inform development of the Council's next Local Housing Strategy and underpin investment decisions in relation to Council site provision.