Govanhill HA: Housing Allocations Policy Review

Craigforth has been appointed by Govanhill Housing Association to undertake a comprehensive review of its current Allocations Policy.   Working closely with Govanhill staff and board members, we are updating the Policy to ensure it is consistent with current legislation.  This work will also inform scoping of Govanhill's new ICT system to be introduced in 2016.

Bield Housing and Care: Evaluation of the Retirement Housing Model

Craigforth has recently completed an evaluation of the new Retirement Housing Model for Bield Housing and Care.  The change programme was still ongoing at the time of the study, with the new model to be rolled out to 78 developments across 21 local authority areas.  As such, the study sought to assess the operation of the new Model but also Bield's management of the change process.  A mixed methods approach was taken but with a clear focus on primary qualitative research. The research approach was designed to capture the full range of issues, but critically then allow those issues to be explored in greater depth. The research included visits to 36 Retirement or Sheltered Developments and interviews with a range of tenants, staff and stakeholders.

Renfrewshire Council: A Single Allocations Policy for Renfrewshire

Craigforth have recently been appointed to undertake a housing allocation policy review for the Council and eight RSL partners across Renfrewshire, with a view to developing a shared Single Allocation Policy.  The study involves a systematic review of each landlords' current allocation policy to identify key policy issues to be addressed, close working with landlords to appraise potential policy options including scenario modelling, and drafting of final policy materials.

BCH Partners: Evaluation of Borders Choice Homes

Craigforth have recently completed an evaluation of the Borders Choice Homes (BCH) Common Housing Register, on behalf of the BCH Partners; Berwickshire Housing Association, Eildon Housing Association and Waverley Housing.  The evaluation sought to improve partners' understanding of the applicant and landlord experience, provide an assessment of the value for money being achieved, and consider ways forward.  The study took a mixed methods approach including a desk-based analysis of key information and data, in-depth interviews with key players, and survey and follow-up interviews with BCH applicants.

Scottish Housing Regulator: Evaluation of Tenant Assessors’ Initiative

Craigforth was appointed by the Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) to undertake an independent evaluation of the SHR's Tenant Assessors’ InitiativeThe evaluation considered the role and work of Tenant Assessors, and considered options for the future of the Tenant Assessor Initiative in the context of a changed regulatory context.  A multi-strand evaluation methodology involved in-depth qualitative engagement with Tenant Assessors and SHR Regulation Managers, an e-survey and telephone interviews with landlords, and discussions with a range of other stakeholders.

Housing Support Enabling Unit: Understanding the Impact of Charging for Housing Support Services

Craigforth has been appointed by the Housing Support Enabling Unit to undertake a study to assess the impact of charging on housing support services and those using housing support services.  The study is using a multi-strand approach to provide a detailed picture of current charging practice, engaging with commissioners and providers of services to consider the impact of differing policies on services and service users.  Study findings willhelp to inform future policy making around charging policy at local and national level.

Scottish Government: Second Consultation on a New Tenancy for the Private Sector

Craigforth have been appointed by the Scottish Government to analyse responses to the second consultation on a new private tenancy regime.  This second consultation takes forward findings from Craigforth's analysis of responses to the first consultation, and sets out proposals for a new tenancy system to improve security of tenure for tenants, while giving suitable safeguards for landlords, lenders and investors.  Outputs from the second consultation will form part of the eviodence base for development of the final new tenancy regime.

Trust, Bield and Hanover (Scotland) Housing Associations: Independent Review of Equalities and Diversity

Craigforth and Ali Jarvis were commissioned to undertake an independent review of Trust, Bield & Hanover’s Joint Equalities Programme (JEP), and equal opportunities policies and practices across the three organisations.  The study considered progress to date through the existing ethnic minorities focused programme of activity, and assessed how current arrangements allow for all equality and diversity strands and challenges to be addressed.  Study outputs included recommendations and a clear action plan to shape the Associations' future equalities work.

HOME Argyll: Development of a Joint Allocations Policy

Craigforth was commissioned to undertake a full Policy Review on behalf of the HOME Argyll CHR partners.  The study involved a comprehensive review of the existing policy against current legislation and good practice requirements, and close working with the partners through the development of a new policy and associated materials.  The revised policy went live in October 2014.